These are plastic coatings that fill in the grooves on the chewing surfaces of the posterior teeth( molars and premolars) as a prevention against tooth decay. These cannot be placed in teeth that need fillings only teeth free from decay. No anesthetic is needed to place the sealants, the tooth is cleaned off and conditioned and then the sealant is placed with a special curing light.
The sealants will be routinely checked during future cleaning appointment to make sure they are intact and repaired if necessary.
A dental sealant is a plastic material that is applied to a chewing surface of a back tooth. The sealant acts as a barrier, protecting the enamel from plaque and acid.
Dental sealants have been used for more than two decades. They can benefit children and adults. The likelihood of developing tooth decay on the chewing surfaces begins early in life, so children and teenagers are good candidates for sealants. Adults can benefit from sealants, also because you never “outgrow” cavities. Sealants’ protect vulnerable areas, such as pits and fissures by dealing out plaque and food.
The procedure is very simple with no injections required; first the teeth that the sealants are going to be placed on are thoroughly cleaned and conditioned. Then the sealant is applied and cured with a special curing light. As long as the sealant remains intact the chewing surface will be protected from decay. During each recall visit we check the sealants to make sure they are still intact and if reapplication is necessary.